that true!! Hell,
ten eleven summers ago, I remember jumpin up up n away (not really) and down looking at the Intel Celeron 64MB, 20 gigs
PERSONAL COMPUTER ( man, those were the days) that we had bought home from the then only computer shop in downtown Steel City. We had loaded up that enormous dump of white plastic, the size of Homer Simpson's butt and the backseat of our beloved Ambassador and the monitor still had to be kept up front!! Anyways, that evening, when we were connecting wires and checking out the system, my dad told me that if the three computers in his office were to be chopped down, beaten and rough housed thoroughly, the
chutney they'd make wouldn't be able to cover a square inch of our amazing PC!!
That good? Yeah, that good!
I also remember someone telling me that the computers used during NASA's '69 moon mission had a memory of 36kbs. Though I'm not sure if that was entirely true! (Though they sure couldn't play Minesweeper on those computers!!)
Well, those were the days man! And as the years started to pass, I remember people talking about their 128mbs, their 256 mbs, their dual card 192 mbs, their 512mbs, but none beyond that! No, 512 was