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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RAMS are never enough!!

Ain't that true!! Hell, ten eleven summers ago, I remember jumpin up up n away (not really) and down looking at the Intel Celeron 64MB, 20 gigs PERSONAL COMPUTER ( man, those were the days) that we had bought home from the then only computer shop in downtown Steel City. We had loaded up that enormous dump of white plastic, the size of Homer Simpson's butt and the backseat of our beloved Ambassador and the monitor still had to be kept up front!! Anyways, that evening, when we were connecting wires and checking out the system, my dad told me that if the three computers in his office were to be chopped down, beaten and rough housed thoroughly, the chutney they'd make wouldn't be able to cover a square inch of our amazing PC!!
That good? Yeah, that good!
I also remember someone telling me that the computers used during NASA's '69 moon mission had a memory of 36kbs. Though I'm not sure if that was entirely true! (Though they sure couldn't play Minesweeper on those computers!!)
Well, those were the days man! And as the years started to pass, I remember people talking about their 128mbs, their 256 mbs, their dual card 192 mbs, their 512mbs, but none beyond that! No, 512 was

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trip back Home

11:30 p.m. 14th jan 2011
When the semester started jogging towards the end of October, I wasn’t entirely sure of whether or not time was flying. I have to admit though, that when the December of 2010 came quicker than the October of 2009, I was  wowed by the sheer ‘control’ time seems to have on our lives!! So here I am, at the Bengaluru International Airport Limited waitin for a flight that I gotta catch around 10 hours from now, looking for reasons why I decided that airport at night would be fun. Perhaps it had something to do with the last two times, when I had hung out with some friends who were also returning home, I dunno. But what I do know is that I’d love to have a nice ol’ Subway veggie with mayonnaise n barbeque sauce on a parmesan bread ^_^
So I hear a guy talking to heaven knows who outside the airport building, in the area where that amazing marble globe is positioned, and he’s doing his absolute best to annoy the hell outta me. He’s the reason I’m writing this post, cuz I got things better than to hear some nuthead rant about his supposed love triangle and his oh-so-dramatic life in that deeply annoying voice which