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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RAMS are never enough!!

Ain't that true!! Hell, ten eleven summers ago, I remember jumpin up up n away (not really) and down looking at the Intel Celeron 64MB, 20 gigs PERSONAL COMPUTER ( man, those were the days) that we had bought home from the then only computer shop in downtown Steel City. We had loaded up that enormous dump of white plastic, the size of Homer Simpson's butt and the backseat of our beloved Ambassador and the monitor still had to be kept up front!! Anyways, that evening, when we were connecting wires and checking out the system, my dad told me that if the three computers in his office were to be chopped down, beaten and rough housed thoroughly, the chutney they'd make wouldn't be able to cover a square inch of our amazing PC!!
That good? Yeah, that good!
I also remember someone telling me that the computers used during NASA's '69 moon mission had a memory of 36kbs. Though I'm not sure if that was entirely true! (Though they sure couldn't play Minesweeper on those computers!!)
Well, those were the days man! And as the years started to pass, I remember people talking about their 128mbs, their 256 mbs, their dual card 192 mbs, their 512mbs, but none beyond that! No, 512 was
the biggest computer RAM no 7-8 yrs ago in my town. Blokes used to say things like: "Hey, can ya believe it? I got a 256mb RAM that can actually run Project IGI man!" or "Hey man, my 128mbs make my computer so damn awesome!". And I used to sit in the corner wondering what was this thing with rams?!! after about 24 months of great service, our good ol' Compaq Celeron started hanging cuz of overload of programs way above the poor thing's calibre. So after a couple more years which saw the meteoric rise of the Combo drive, which allowed the bloke to read and rewrite a CD, and even run a DVD!!! WHOA! A DVD!! enough capitals...but yeah, that was the deal those days. Sad thing was, when you tried to install the same shit on our Jolly ol' Celeron, it's desktop would look like it wanted to throw up. So we said, what the hell, lets increase the RAM man!! so, there we were, adding a 128mb dealy to the 64 already makin it a 192 hot shot!! And I was on cloud nine people! How cool is it, for a guy with 64mbs to actually go one above 128mbs?! :D and I'd always remember the renovated system's first run after we got the new memory card and the combo drive. It hung up without even opening up the desktop! Now that's what ya call tragic :p

Well, we did run the thing ultimately, though, we figured out we needed a better RAM to go ahead with it. So we got 256mbs of solid PC power! And was it good? Well, you could say it was. But down the line, I came to realise that I could find virtually no difference between the 256mbs and the 64mbs other than the fact that now the system could run some photo editing softwares and a few great games. Darn this, I used to think!! What was the need of burning money on something for the computer, when it didn't even better the ruddy performance?

That was some time back. Tonight, when I decided to write this blog post on my dad's 4GB RAM Dell Studio, I still found out I get as many 'hangs' as I used to get 7 years back! The computer still took those frustrating few minutes of your precious time to start up, that are so bloody irritating to experience. After all these years, this high end laptop still managed to waste an hour of my time (which is in abundance this vacation, so no complaints there!) just for starting up this write-up.

It did take a lot of snooping around the net for me to get to this, but hell, for someone who doesn't understand a lot of computers and just wants the reason why her/his improved RAM ain't improving the experience to a great deal, here's the conclusion that I came to: 10 years ago, people used to open Microsoft Word 1997 on a Windows Me, or 98. For Linux users, 4MBs of RAM used to get the job done. These days, you work with Adobe CS5 or Silverlight. And believe me, these programs do take their fair share of toll on your precious oh-so-quick desktop or notepad. RAMs are actually meant to be storage areas that come into play when ya throw them some electricity, in other words, switch the damn thing on. They prevent the overload on your Hard Drive and simply put, they do the dirty work for the Hard drives ;) It can store your data temporarily. It means, when you are working your ass off in the office or doing the project on your major, the RAM's working hard with ya! Your program runs cuz of the RAM. Now, hard drives store the data yeah, but it is ultimately the RAM which gets ya thru when you're actually working! So, even though you increase the RAM, those heavily loaded programs have also increased their features and space requirements. And in most cases, the programs we use on our systems, or the games we run on our laptops, take a bad toll on the machine. And so, just like a decade ago, when your system made you wait a good 20 minutes before running Stunt GP, these days, your system makes you wait another 20 minutes before running Turok :)

See, straight n simple, eh?!! I hope you liked this post and that it helped you understanding the workings of the RA- bah, hope ya had a gr8 time readin this n even if i was confusing, atleast it helped ya spend the last 5 minutes without worryin about anythin unimportant!

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1 comment:

  1. So the RevKid still blogs and is not merely an Urban Legend :) Good One dude
